simple refusal and renunciation

가치와 매력은 보는 이의 눈에 있지 
세상 그 자체의 성질이 아니라는 점을 기억하는 것이 도움이 된다. 

"저 밖"에 있다고 상상하는 것은 "이 안"에서 비롯된다. 
동일한 것이 소중한 위치성과 유혹적인 추정들에 적용된다. 

"저 밖"에는 어떠한 유혹도 없으며, 그러한 것의 매력은 
단순한 거절과 절연에 의해 감소한다.

<Along the Path to ENLIGHTENMENT_February 21> 
(내 안의 참나를 만나다_p212, 데이비드 호킨스 박사님)

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버들꽃 楊花

우리고전 2019. 2. 13. 15:41

버들꽃 楊花

꽃 같기도 하고 눈도 아닌 것이 미친 듯 휘날리어 / 似花非雪最顚狂

솔솔 부는 바람에 점점 아득하구나 / 空濶風微轉渺茫

날씨가 개었어도 깊은 정원 희미해지고 / 晴日欲迷深院落

자그마한 연못에는 물결이 못 움직인다 / 春波不動小池塘

섬돌에 날아올 때는 그림조차 없었는데 / 飄來鉛砌輕無影

사창에 들어오니 향취가 있는 듯하네 / 吹入紗窓細有香

옛날 글 읽던 동고 생각하니 / 却憶東臯讀書處

반쯤은 비에 따라 빈 책상에 가득하리 / 半隨紅雨撲空床

- 익제난고 益齋亂稿 - 

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2월 11일 월

일일삼감 2019. 2. 11. 13:22

새벽 1시쯤 상후가 울고 일어났다. 어디가 아픈가? 머리에 미열은 없는데 서글프게 운다. 뭣 때문에 그러지?

검색해보니 '이앓이'라고 한다. 

아 ...세상 모든 애들은 다 이렇구나.

평소 잠 잘자고 순한 애가 아무리 달래도 울음을 그치지 않는다.

그렇게 아픈가 보다. ㅠㅠ

19개월 접어든 우리 상후야~


이앓이 대처법을 보니 차가운 거즈 등으로 마사지 하는 것들이 있었는데...그렇게 효과가 있어보이지는 않는데...

세상 모든 엄마 아빠가 달래고 그랬구나.

나도 자랄 때 그랬을텐데

전혀 기억을 못한다 ...

축복해주셔서 감사드립니다.

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젊었을 때는 이런 '상투적인' 말들이 와닿지 않았고

그러려니 했다.

하지만 세월이 흘러 돌이켜보면 

고난과 실패를 어떻게 대하고 활용하느냐에 따라

인생의 향배가 결정된다고 확신한다.

왜냐하면 삶의 변수들을 통해 사람을 성장시키고자 하는 숨은 '뜻과 의지'과 있기 때문이다.

그걸 직간접적으로 목격하고 겪으면서 그래도 괜찮은, 멋진 선택은 '감사'하는 방법 뿐이다.

실패를 견디는 힘

진짜로 성공하려면
실패를 기꺼이 감수해야 한다. 
실패하지 않겠다는 건
성공하지 않겠다는 거나

- 마크 맨슨의《신경끄기의 기술》중에서 - 

* 실패하면 낙담합니다.
좌절하고 절망하며 불면의 밤을 보냅니다.
그러나 믿으십시오. 그 실패를 견디어내면
그 안에 스승이 있고 깨달음이 있고
더 큰 성공의 창조물이 보물처럼
숨겨져 있습니다.

오늘도 많이 웃으세요.

블로그 이미지




41 turn it out travel expensive

-> where do we

-> turn in 

-> our 

-> expenses?

I gave mine to Tom.




42 Would you prefer to pick up your order at store or deliver?

-> at the store, have it delivered


welcome to store

-> We'll come

-> the store.





43 Are you going to bank later today?

-> to the

No, I don't plan to




44. Aren't we supposed to turn off light before we leave?

-> the lights


They 'll go off petimatically

-> automatically



45. Are you busy this afternoon, can you inventory?

-> or help,

-> with the inventory?

I am free to clock

-> after

-> 3 o'clock.



46. Where

-> where does , have

-> the company have its headquaters?


It's about 30 minutes from here.




47. When

-> mailing

-> is Douglass the proposal?


As soon as he finishes it.



48. Don't you need newspaper

-> glasses, read

-> your, to read the 

Yes, I'd really appreciate it.




49. Who left snow on my desk?

-> note

-> this note

It my oeon Smith. 

-> It might have been




50. When is copier repaired

-> was

-> the copier

It was last Wednesday.




51. Didn't you organize company dinner last year?

-> the company

Yes, did you attend?




52. Could  you find place to sit down?

-> Couldn't you

-> the place

No, the restaurant is full




53. It looks like left wallet on my office desk.

-> upstairs,

-> I left my 

I wait for you get it

-> I'll , to get



54. wouldn't you try

-> like to try something from this fruit basket?

I'll have apple , thanks




55. order new print

-> Why didn't you

-> Ms. Chu

-> printer?

It's too expensive.




56. Have you contacted insura or d you want me to call them?

->the insurance agency 

I already set email in the morning.

-> sent the e-mail




57. How do you get to work everyday?

I walk there.



58. What will you do

-> extra printers

-> with the 



-> They can go in the




59. Would you like to read the newspaper when I finished?

-> finish

Thanks  but I already order a copy

-> bought




60. Wouldn't these flowers be good for the reception?

-> wouldn't

I think they're prefect.

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21. We'd better leave restaurant by seven.

-> leave for,


I was planning to do that



22. available new if you like to meet them.

-> We're available at noon,


Let's make it two o' clock

-> instead



23. You want me to reorder

-> don't you? supplies


If you think we need to 




24. Did you know that the concert will be outdoors?

-> outdoors

I hope it doesn't rain



25. Why don't you ask Mr.Arnold to leave 

-> if you can leave early morning?

Oh I already did 




26. want that be here by 7?

-> Won't , they

That is what they told me




27. Would you like some tea?

Yes, we


-> with milk please.



28. Was  here off all night?

-> the heater

Yes i think it's breaking

-> broken



29. Are the best seeya up front door in the balcony?

->  are , seatsor,

You can see better fromthe  balcony.




30. Half of data was entered incorrectly.

-> half of ,

Okay,  I'll take care of it




31. mr. selfish don't you:?

-> You know where Mr.Cup's office is, 


No, could you show me?



32. who is it briefcase belong to?

-> does this

Is it name tag on it?

-> is there



33. can I speak with a mechanics?

-> Could


I'll see if availabe

-> he is



34. Why is there desks remove

-> were there

-> these

-> removed from the conference room?

We get new ones.

-> are getting



35. how would you get to the warehouse?


Mr.lee gave me money for a cab.



36. you re going to order supplies today won'nt you?

-> were, weren't you

Jim already did.



37. time off this winter?

-> Are you planning on taking

No, I have too much  work.




38. Why has it the project proposal finished yet?

-> hasn't


Mr,.Eric was last week.

-> away



39. Who is representative in conferenc committe?

-> the firm's

-> on the conference committee?


I volunteer to do it.



40. Did you send the letter by regular to express delivery?

-> or

Oh,I haven't been to the post office yet.





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