21. We'd better leave restaurant by seven.

-> leave for,


I was planning to do that



22. available new if you like to meet them.

-> We're available at noon,


Let's make it two o' clock

-> instead



23. You want me to reorder

-> don't you? supplies


If you think we need to 




24. Did you know that the concert will be outdoors?

-> outdoors

I hope it doesn't rain



25. Why don't you ask Mr.Arnold to leave 

-> if you can leave early morning?

Oh I already did 




26. want that be here by 7?

-> Won't , they

That is what they told me




27. Would you like some tea?

Yes, we


-> with milk please.



28. Was  here off all night?

-> the heater

Yes i think it's breaking

-> broken



29. Are the best seeya up front door in the balcony?

->  are , seatsor,

You can see better fromthe  balcony.




30. Half of data was entered incorrectly.

-> half of ,

Okay,  I'll take care of it




31. mr. selfish don't you:?

-> You know where Mr.Cup's office is, 


No, could you show me?



32. who is it briefcase belong to?

-> does this

Is it name tag on it?

-> is there



33. can I speak with a mechanics?

-> Could


I'll see if availabe

-> he is



34. Why is there desks remove

-> were there

-> these

-> removed from the conference room?

We get new ones.

-> are getting



35. how would you get to the warehouse?


Mr.lee gave me money for a cab.



36. you re going to order supplies today won'nt you?

-> were, weren't you

Jim already did.



37. time off this winter?

-> Are you planning on taking

No, I have too much  work.




38. Why has it the project proposal finished yet?

-> hasn't


Mr,.Eric was last week.

-> away



39. Who is representative in conferenc committe?

-> the firm's

-> on the conference committee?


I volunteer to do it.



40. Did you send the letter by regular to express delivery?

-> or

Oh,I haven't been to the post office yet.





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